Ultimate Body Transformation
3 months, minimum of 1 stone fat loss.
o 12 Weekly Online Consultations over 3 months
o Complete Health, Lifestyle and Dietary analysis
o Personalised recipe suggestions and shopping list
o Personalised Diet Plan updated each week
o Mid-week check ins via text and freedom to ask questions in-between consultations
o Personalised supplement recommendations
o Personalised exercise regime
o Available worldwide
No more restriction, just delicious personalised recipes and strategies to reach your goals.
Do you want to take control of your diet once and for all, without yo-yo dieting and the risk of putting the weight back on? Would you like regular guidance and support to motivate you through the process? If so, this ultimate body transformation plan is for you.
Guided by a registered nutritionist, you will have the chance to learn easy, exciting and healthy recipes, set 3 achievable goals each week centred around your lifestyle , and have your diet based questions answered by your nutritionist.
Your easy to follow diet plan will contain personalised recipe suggestions, calorie requirements for your goal and vital statistics, education on healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and 3 main goals to focus on each week.
Alongside this you will also receive an exercise regime, complete with cardio, weight training and sport based exercises. Your nutritionist will be in contact with you through WhatsApp for mid-week check ins and to answer any questions on portion sizes and restaurant menu choices.
This plan is for you if you want to lose a significant amount of weight in 3 months, and want to learn how to keep the weight off in the future through sustainable and easy diet and lifestyle strategies.